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14h00 - 15h00 |
Stanislas Leibler, The Rockfeller University |
15h00 - 15h30 | Pause café |
15h30 - 16h30 |
Carole Knibbe, Laboratoires LIRIS, INSA de Lyon
Matthieu Piel, Institut Curie |
16h30 - 17h00 | Discussion générale |
Stanislas Leibler, The Rockfeller University
Fluctuations, information, and survival: some lessons from bacteria
Growing (micro)organisms are subject to different types of environmental changes. Some of these are regular - for instance, daily variations of light intensity. Others are stochastic, such as the random appearance of predators or toxins. Bacteria have developed an astonishing panoply of survival strategies in varying environments. I will describe some recent experimental and theoretical studies of bacterial behavior. Connections with information theory and statistical mechanics will be discussed.