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SeMoVi - 10 years anniversary

10 years, yeah !


In 2016, we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of our Semovi seminar. In 2006, a group of enthusiastic colleagues decided to launch a bimonthly seminar in order to foster the emergence of a local community in modeling of living systems. Since then, 37 seminars have been organized (the next one will be the 38th and will be taking place the 11th of  May). More than 110 colleagues have been invited to introduce their work in front of a truly multidisciplinary audience. The themes ranged very widely between “Whole cell model of Mycoplasma genitalium”; “Modeling silicon nanopores”; “Brain Network Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Data”; “Mathematical models for carbohydrate uptake and sensing in bacteria”; “Models, Methods and Inference in Molecular Evolution ”; “Escape and attack jumps of planktonic copepods” and “Stochastic models for carcinogenesis” to name but a few.


We decided to celebrate this anniversary by organizing a very special Semovi edition, that will host six of our previous invited guests, mixing local and international scientists.




9h30-10h30 Jean-Louis Deneubourg "A Step Beyond Aggregation"


10h30-11h00 Coffee Break


11h00-12h00 Martin Howard "Cell size control in fission yeast"


12h00-13h00 Lou Gross: "Integrating human behavior and risk perception into climate models"



13h00 -14h00 Lunch (buffet by Récup et Gamelles)



14h00-15h00 Carole Knibbe "Insights on genome dynamics from in silico experimental evolution and mathematical modelling"


15h00-16h00 Angélique Stéphanou "Design of a virtual tumour"


16h00-16h30 Coffee Break


16h30-17h30 Peter Uetz "10 years of protein interaction networks in bacteria and yeast"


This 10th anniversary will be celebrated on the 28th of September in the amphitheater of the University de Lyon.







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