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You are here: Home / News / BioSyL Day 24 - COBICA 1st announcement - Monday 18 March - IMAG, Grenoble

BioSyL Day 24 - COBICA 1st announcement - Monday 18 March - IMAG, Grenoble

Dear BioSyL members,

We organise COBICA a one day workshop on the "computational Biology of Cancer", Monday 18 March in the Auditorium of the IMAG building, Grenoble. It will be BioSyL Federation Day 2024. We will host two keynote speakers. The rest of the day is open to scientific contributions from participants (talks and posters).

Quantitative sciences have now clearly proven their usefulness to gain a better understanding of biological processes; dysregulation of physiological pathways being implicated in human health. In that context, the COBICA colloquium on the "Computational Biology of Cancer" is intended to be an interdisciplinary event focusing on computational approaches for large-scale data analysis in cancer biology. During the day, time will be dedicated to informal exchanges between participants, to encourage scientific discussions and foster new collaborations.

Registration is free (but mandatory) to assure young scientists can attend. Moreover, to encourage participation across the region, we organise free transportation from Lyon to Grenoble. (Place in the bus can be booked on the registration page and will be  allocated on a first-come first-served basis.)

Check out the web site for more information [1]. It will be updated as information is available.

So, please:
i. Mark the date! Monday 18 March 10h00-17h15 in IMAG Auditorium.
ii. Submit abstract and register as soon as possible so we can arrange the organisational details.

Thank you to forward to your team members that might not be in the biosyl mailing list. They can be added upon request. They can also subscribe directly by sending an email to '' with as a subject  'subscribe biosyl FirstName LastName'.

Looking forward to seeing you,

The COBICA organising committee

[1]: Workshop website:



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