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SBDM - Systems Biology of Decision Making

Disciplines Biology
Research fields Multi-scale models, Proteome, Gene expression
Supporting organisms UCBL, CNRS, Inria
Geographical location ENS de Lyon (Campus Charles Mérieux)
Team leader Olivier Gandrillon
Olivier Gandrillon - Bases moléculaires de l'auto-renouvellement et ses altérationsThe molecular mechanisms controlling decision making at the cellular level between self-renewal and differentiation are still poorly understood. The central question of our group consists in understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling self-renewal and the alteration of these mechanisms in relation to the onset of cancer. This question is tackled through three projects.
1. DRACULA - Modeling normal and pathological hematopoiesis. This INRIA team-project headed by Mostafa Adimy will be developed in collaboration with the mathematician’s team M3B. This project is supported through an ANR "Jeune Chercheur" to Fabien Crauste, in collaboration with François Morlé (UMR5534). It also involves a collaborative effort with the INSERM U851 (Group "Apoptosis and CD8 T cells memory" headed by Jacqueline Marvel) regarding the modeling of the immune response. This project aims at developing models incorporating simultaneously intra-cellular networks (the molecular level), the behavior of the cell (cellular level), the dynamics of cells populations (of organs or tissues) together with a (retro) control by other organs (the whole organism). We will focus on two lineages : erythropoiesis, and the generation of memory CD8 T cells following antigen encounter.

2. StochaGene. Molecular causes and cellular role of the stochasticity of gene expression. This project will be conducted under the supervision of Olivier Gandrillon and has been supported by the IXXI, the RNSC, the Rhône-Alpes region and the CNRS. It is currentluy being supported through an ANR grant. The project aims to develop a systemic approach combining modeling and acquisition of experimental data to understand the mechanisms involved in the stochasticity of gene expression, and its biological function in higher eukaryotes. Three main subprojects will be carried in parallel :

(i) Understand the molecular causes of stochasticity in gene expression

(ii) Understand to what extent noise generated at different levels of organization is transmitted/filtered/amplified to other levels.

(iii) Understand how molecular noise impacts upon cell behavior.


3. SinCity. Single Cell investigation by transcriptomics analysis

The goal of the project will  consist in understanding the role of gene expression variability at the single cell level, by generating quantitative data among different physiological differentiation processes and dedicated analysis tools. The ultimate goal of those approaches would be to generate a dynamical modeling scheme that would account for explaining the molecular mechanisms at stake during the differentiation process, thereby opening avenues for experimental intervention/control of the differentiation processes.